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My PLN and Inclusion

* How diverse is your existing PLN?

It seems to me that my PLN is not very diverse for the time being, but I’m trying to change it because I’m a more realistic person, so I have very few friends on the Internet, but now I’m using a lot of social media to make new friends and start watching news and entertainment news from all over the world, because I think that if there are problems you can listen to others’ suggestions and help others make progress together.

* In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?

I think I am a more able to learn from a variety of voices, because I like to listen to all kinds of information, if someone around me or meet people have a high knowledge reserve and clear understanding, this can make my knowledge more abundant, more open-minded, but in the process if I think I have a better opinion I will also publish.

* Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide range of interests)?

I prefer to participate in the sharing of topics that interest me more, such as a movie I’m following, and I’ll read people’s comments before or after, and I’ll express my opinion.

* How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

In my opinion, we can use the diversity of our PLNs to absorb the views and opinions of others, or to express our understanding, to make us more inclusive, because inclusiveness allows us to broaden our horizons and learn more about it.

* In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced?

Because I’m an economics student and probably work later, it seems to me that inclusion in the economic sphere is positively accepted, because as the global economy gets better, people from all countries work closely together, so that everyone and every country have different cultures and customs, but in an inclusive situation everyone gets to know and accept it first, which makes world trade better.

* What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

I think my PLN learning results are to make me a person, make me more talkative, more opinionated, will listen to and express different views and opinions, in order to be exposed to diversity and inclusiveness, I will use different social software to communicate with people in different countries, but also with students to express their views, so that we grow together.

* How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

By reading materials and watching videos, it seems to me that inclusion cannot divide people differently, and I believe that in PLN I will continue to pay attention to and consider this, because PLN and tolerance are inseparable, tolerance will allow us to better listen to other people’s views and express clear opinions when developing the Internet.

Moore, S. (2017). One without the other : Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion. ProQuest Ebook Central

Moore, Shelley. The Evolution of Inclusion: The Past and Future of Education. 1 Oct. 2018,


  1. 邦妮

    Hi Allen,
    I am also a student of economics, and I agree with you. The economic field is global. With the trend of economic globalization, I believe that the world economy will become better.

  2. haixujiang

    Hi Peiran,

    Thanks for sharing. I really like the part when you mentioning you’ve tried different social media to expose yourself to different cultural settings, as much as possible. And it inspires me a lot! During Covid, the social distancing and travel restrictions had limited human’s physical communication. After reading your post, I think it is a good way to connect people from various cultural backgrounds and embrace the diversity.

  3. xushilai

    I agree with the view “I think my PLN learning results are to make me a person, make me more talkative, more opinionated, will listen to and express different views and opinions.” Because this is what I got from PLN, I think through My social skills have become stronger after learning PLN.

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